Monday 25 March 2013

Attachment period photos

 <<During vertical control practicals
                                    a group participant>>>
 <<<< levelling the theodolite
                                         Group 1 at work>>>
  <<<Group 6   
                        Resting after practicals>>>
     <<<<Story time after work            
                                     holding a staff vertical>>>>
     <<<After work            
                                             survey equipments>>>
      <<<Using ERDAS--Remote Sensing          
                                         In a GIS lab>>>


        The attachment commenced well on 21st January 2013 and lasted 8 weeks.All the required sectors of the attachment have been covered and reports submitted to the supervisors(department).The faces to be covered included the GIS,Remote Sensing and survey(vertical control,horizontal control and Cadastral survey).As we come to the end of the internal attachment,we happy to say that the attachment has been a success both to the students and to the department since all the activities have been concluded.
        At the end of every attachment,a comprehensive report indicating all the activities covered during the attachment period is compiled and handed in to the supervisor for marking.The students expresses their gratitude to the department for the continued support/assistance during this period and making the session all a success.Having done all this the students are free to leave for their destinations(homes/domicile).
        25th March,2013 marks the end of the internal attachment in Dedan Kimathi University of Technology(DKUT).Wish all the participants of this session a happy holiday,a fantastic Good Friday and Easter holiday.see you all in May 2013.