Thursday 17 October 2013

GIS Day-Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

Geospatial Information Science is one of the fastest growing field and being well appreciated by the industries to automate their tasks by using spatial data to solve problems,predicting the future of the organisations etc.GIS is being integrated in almost every other field due to its power in analysis and helping in concrete decision making for both people and organizations.

This event is the first to be held in DKUT and thus provides a good chance for students,people in corporate world and other interested parties to appreciate the use of GIS in the modern world and evaluate its capability to solve various issues affecting them.
The event will be held on November 8,2013 in the DKUT grounds and its expected to be a really great day of interactive sessions,presentations and talks for the attending persons.Every interested persons are welcome for the event on this day.For more details about the event visit HERE

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