Monday 23 September 2013

Typhoon Usagi hits China

This is the worst typhoon ever encountered in China as it produced winds of  165 km/h to 180km/h in some areas.It swept the land leaving toppling trees as it blew the vehicles of the roads.The typhoon left many areas flooded causing the victims to drown in the waters.The storms left  3.5 million people affected,destroyed businesses leading to economic destabilization($526m losses).
 Satellite imagery provided information about the typhoon and various agencies were able to analyze the disaster.

NASA's analysis of the Typhoon Usagi-TRMM
satellite image taken by the Japan Meteorological Agency's MTSAT-2 satellite and provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

 For more info visit HERE

Tuesday 17 September 2013

ASK Kabiruini Show 2013

The show took four days of great experience and interaction with other students, professionals and the industries. The institute of Geomatics, GIS and Remote Sensing (IGGReS) had a chance to appear in the campus’s main stand for the first time since the formation of the institute. The institute’s stand was represented by two students and one staff member. The main tasks were to explain more details about the IGGReS, courses offered in IGGReS, Showcase various projects conducted in the institute and offer assistance to any interested parties.
IGGReS Stand

Sam and Steve at the IGGReS stand

The two students(Sam and Steve) represented the Institute and also the GDev group(An innovation group formed by students from the IGGReS)Various ideas were showcased at the stand with the available materials such as the slide presentations and printouts of the satellite imagery and maps made as a result of various projects.
GIS is a field that is widely being appreciated by the world’s population as its able to assist in many ways in a cheaper way and maximize the outputs. The title for our projects was “Using GIS technologies in Agriculture” that rhymed to the show’s theme “Enhancing technology in Agriculture and industry for food security and national growth”. Some of the projects showcased were the mapping project and land suitability analysis both for the campus area(DKUT)Use of GIS technologies was appreciated by many who visited the stand with many wanting to learn about these technologies in details. The visitors of the stand were mainly the people from the corporate world, students and also the general public. The projects expounded more on the use of GIS, Remote Sensing and survey. Great appreciation of the GIS technologies was evident as the number of attending persons to the stand was huge per time.
The comments from the attending persons were encouraging and showed great appreciation.
Deputy President,William Ruto at the IGGReS stand
 Various dignitaries visited the stand and commended its good work. They included the Deputy President, Hon. William Ruto, who appreciated the work done and the projects showcased, The Nyeri county Governor,Hon.Nderitu Gachagua,who was very pleased by the projects from our institute and the Vice-Chancellor DKUT,who applauded the institute’s great work as he went around in the stand to get a glimpse of the projects that we had.
Hon.Nderitu Gachagua at the IGGReS stand

The ASK show was good for us having shown the attendees what GIS and Remote Sensing can accomplish in the current world. The event was successful and was a very good eye opener to the persons wanting to take a step further in the GIS and Remote Sensing field.