Wednesday 10 December 2014

Web Mapping Evolution

For years, web mapping has been slowly developing to serve the modern day internet users and offer various functionality to map users online.Web mapping is helping millions of internet users to share and interact with fellow users online despite their spatial location.Efforts to share map data online have been futile for the last few years due to lack of well streamlined platforms to assist general users access mapping functionality easily and conveniently while maintaining the efficiency of operations.With the current technologies such as the FOSS sector and other proprietary platforms,map sharing and interactivity online has been a reality.Imagine creating a web application in ten minutes and publishing your information at a go?Awesome.Mangomap has created this platform to rescue users/students who were drowned in the world of web mapping.Creating a web map in five minutes is their target.
While exploring the internet , I came across this stunning site allowing me to create a web map in five minutes.I just created this NyeriInfo application.Am sure this will go a mile in helping students and researcehrs in need of  sharing their work online.
NyeriInfo web app