Wednesday 19 October 2011


Today 19th October,2011 marked the day when GIGESA was officially launched.With the cooperation of  the  GEGIS & GIS students and the Patron the association has finally been launched.Thanks to all who participated and all those who were present to witness this exercise.
GIGESA is a students' association that unites our students together and even help then explore the diaspora in the maximum way possible and get the best out of it.We visualize on specializing in sustainable technological development and improvement that will assist in infrastructure and environmental development.As it is at the moment its now official.I congratulate all the parties and individuals who took part in seeing all these a success.God bless you.

Saturday 1 October 2011


It was a fantastic and tiresome day for the KUCT-GEGIS students as they spent the day carrying out surveying practicals out in the fields.Trying to come up with measurements of different locations out in the compound.This was the start of the practicals for the curriculum in the university.The exercise was so nice with the participation of every member of the group.The exercise was carried out nearly the whole day but the required results were achieved.United we stand.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Geomatics engineering and Geo-spatial information systems students in KUCT held a conference with the OAKAR services people to get the bigger overview of this field to impact more know how of it to the students.Many issues were discussed and the students appreciated the session as after the four hours meeting they had really known a lot pertaining the course.
GIS is a fast growing industry that continues to offer employment opportunities to people with varied skills and backgrounds. As a technology and a science GIS is able to contribute significantly to the socioeconomic development of Kenya and the wider region. The number of organizations and individuals that we support in their GIS endeavors continues to grow giving us a real sense of pride in our work. We welcome you to join our team or work with us.

Monday 1 August 2011

Accreditation of KUCT GEGIS and other Engineering Programmes By Kenya Engineers Registration Board

A frequently asked question by students is whether, if one enrols in KUCT engineering programmes, he or she will be recognized as an engineer by the Kenya Engineers Registration Board (KERB). The answer to this question is YES. To be recognized and, hence licensed as an engineer, one is required to have successfully completed a degree programme which is recognized by the KERB. Upon successful completion of a recognized programme one may apply and be granted the status of a Graduate Engineer (G. Eng). However, to become a Registered Engineer (R. Eng), one is required, upon graduation, to undergo experiential training by engaging in engineering work under mentorship of a registered engineer. Typical duration of such training is two or three years.
      The process of licensing requires formal application to ERB, submission of practical training reports and detailed project reports based on which a KERB panel conducts an examination to determine if one can judiciously, competently, and professionally work as an engineer.    
Accreditation of the degree programmes in based on first the curriculum and second on the capacity to deliver and realize the objectives of the curriculum. A new institution may fulfil the first requirement at the beginning of the programme when the first group of students report. The process of setting up the system, which includes building and equipping the labs, is normally a gradual process.
           KUCT also offers GEOMATIC ENGINEERING and GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS which has already been processed for accreditation through the Institution of Surveyors.This is a course which has the first group in first year. KUCT also has a team of lecturers who are registered with the KERB and who also have many years of experience, locally and internationally, in implementing engineering programmes. They are leading the implementation of the programmes. All factors taken into account, it is expected that KUCT will emerge as an Institution of choice and centre of excellence in engineering training, research and innovation.

Saturday 23 July 2011

An engineer's solution-Ashtech’s ProMark 200

In the current world a Geomatic engineer has to have some of these recent devices to enhance his/her work and make it more efficient.The ProMark 200 is the most cost-effective dual-frequency network RTK rover. ProMark 200 solution includes the new Ashtech rugged GNSS receiver running Windows Mobile® 6.5 operating system, the comprehensive Ashtech FAST Survey field software and the new Ashtech ASH-661 (L1/L2 GNSS) antenna.This is one of the best solutions for such engineers.Very lightweight, with compact and rugged design, as well as large memory and autonomy, ProMark 200 has been designed for a confortable and productive field use. Its extended wireless communications (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) and embedded GSM/GPRS modem make ProMark 200 a powerful solution suitable for any network RTK applications.

Monday 4 July 2011


Kimathi University College of Technology (KUCT) is a public, coeducational technological university in Nyeri, Kenya. It is one of 20 public universities and constituent colleges in Kenya, one of four constituent colleges of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, and it employs a strong emphasis on scientific and technological programmes.
It started as a middle-level national technical and business-oriented learning institution in 1972 and was elevated in 2007 to a constituent university college of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) through a Kenya Gazette notice to become a full-fledged university in three years.[1]
It is located approximately 6 km from Nyeri along the Nyeri - Mweiga highway. The entire college land spans about 1,000 acres (4.0 km2) consisting of 350 acres (1.4 km2) of natural forest, 350 acres (1.4 km2) of mature coffee and 300 acres (1.2 km2) of open space for expansion
On 26 November 2008 construction of a modernistic, multi-purpose resource centre began. The second phase, out of four, of this project reached completion in late 2010 and the whole project is expected to be completed sometime in 2012 and will serve as the main hub for most activities and events of the college.

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Geomatic Engineering and Geospatial Information Systems(GEGIS) is a course involving survey,planning,soil and water mechanics and many other fields such as  those in civil engineering.We are the begginers of the course in Kimathi University(a constituent college of JKUAT).We are the ones to decide its startup rate in the economy and enhance growth and development of our nation by enabling many students to be the engineers they aspire to be in future.In JKUAT the course has taken root and is one of the strong courses in the university.Geospatial deals with more of IT related activities and survey.GEGIS was  known as quantity survey there before but was split from survey due to its integration with other courses such as computer science and electrical engineering