Saturday 23 July 2011

An engineer's solution-Ashtech’s ProMark 200

In the current world a Geomatic engineer has to have some of these recent devices to enhance his/her work and make it more efficient.The ProMark 200 is the most cost-effective dual-frequency network RTK rover. ProMark 200 solution includes the new Ashtech rugged GNSS receiver running Windows Mobile® 6.5 operating system, the comprehensive Ashtech FAST Survey field software and the new Ashtech ASH-661 (L1/L2 GNSS) antenna.This is one of the best solutions for such engineers.Very lightweight, with compact and rugged design, as well as large memory and autonomy, ProMark 200 has been designed for a confortable and productive field use. Its extended wireless communications (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) and embedded GSM/GPRS modem make ProMark 200 a powerful solution suitable for any network RTK applications.

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