The 3rd face of the internal attachment commenced well with vigor and high expectations by the students to conduct their Survey practicals.The first week was leveling using theodolites.The students were to level one(1) kilometer of loose bound roads around the DKUT and carry out the analysis and produce final measurements of the roads and their respective diagrammatically represented outfits.All the groups were to start at the same point(common Datum) but take different routes.There were a total of six groups conducting the task.The first day kicked off by marking the control points along routes taken by each group.The control points were to be used to the next day to carry out measurements on the roads.During measurements,the staffs were located at intervals of ten meters and the staff readings recorded.Between two control points computations were conducted to ensure error-free results and if bugs were detected,measurements between the two control points were repeated.These activities were conducted in three days and on the fourth day the students embarked on measuring and leveling the sewer lines around the campus.These marked the week one activities in survey.
Problems encountered
1.Very harsh climatically facilitated conditions(sun-burns to many students)
2.Time wastage-leading to repeating the tasks
3.incorrect measurements-due to mirage because of the sun(bright light)
Problems encountered
1.Very harsh climatically facilitated conditions(sun-burns to many students)
2.Time wastage-leading to repeating the tasks
3.incorrect measurements-due to mirage because of the sun(bright light)