Tuesday 12 February 2013

Internal attachment 2013,2nd year.

    23rd January marked the begginning of the internal attachment for the second years in GEGIS  and GIS.The internal attachment is one of the most valued session during the course period.This session entails equiping the students with the required skills to enable them compete better in the industry after  or during their course in campus.Its a compulsory session as each student is evaluated at the end of the attachment  and the marks/grades attained used to compute one’s final grade at the end of the course.

       The attachment period kicked off well with high expectations that at the end of it all,every student will have a chance to carry out tasks in various fields such as GIS,Cartography,Remote Sensing and Survey on their own.The program has so far been good as parts of the attachment have been completed.These fields include the GIS and Cartography.These were carried out in the first weeks of the program using the ArcGIS 10.0 software.These sectors include the data collection,analysis,manipulation,storage,editing and printing out the maps where required.Due to time constraints,the students used a ready imagery to carry out the tasks.This was mainly carried out using the ArcMap 10.0 software.All the processes and tasks were carried out in trying to come up with the final product.Such processes included the digitization processses,error correction etc.Weekly reports are prepared to showcase students’ activities during the program to the supervisors.

The second part of the attachment was to start off the Remote Sensing acitivities.Remote sensing is the art of acquiring data/information about a feature/object in another location without having to be in contact with it.ERDAS 9.1 and ERDAS 2010 are the software in use for these activities.Many processes are involved in carrying out the Remote Sensing activities.such processes involve the mosaicing,subsetting etc.
This is the much that the students have done so far during this internal attachment.More to come.thanks all

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