Monday 8 July 2013

Coupling in Campus

 A relationship happen between two parties of which mostly its
between man and women. This happens
because everyone needs someone to love
and fall in love with. This feeling is complicated
to be explained by just using words.
The funniest bit of it; it happens naturally and cannot be
forced. However, today,coupling has become
an issue because it is always been related
to social problem.
Actually, coupling is
something that we might not be blamed of
because it is very subjective and we cannot
define it as a problem. It’s a
culture among students in higher education
institutions either government or private

It is dependent on
our own responsibility and our strength to
face it by our own style.
Nowadays, coupling among campus
Students has become a common phenomenon. Many guys in campus
have their own view about coupling issue.
Coupling is not a main issue that we need to focus strictly
because it is natural and we don’t have any
way to prevent or encourage this state of life. Many
students choose coupling because
they have their own perspectives for having
special partners.
There are many factors that make someone
choose to have a partner. Actually, having
a partner is a natural case. Nobody can
resist themselves from falling in love with
someone. Anyway, some of the students do not
really appreciate this kind of feeling.
They decide to couple
because they want to compete with their
friends or want to become famous among
students in colleges. From this perspective,
we can conclude that coupling can lead to
social problems among the students. Although
this situation is not really critical, we must
take caution. Coupling
can have  positive or negative impacts.
Some students feel that having a partner
can lead to morale during their
studies and social life in campus. They can also release tension during difficulties, share
some interests and so on as one has a comforter or a person to turn to. As we know, the
person who takes on the issue of coupling positively
end up having good relationships (not always).
Unfortunately, the biggest percentage of the students takes
coupling just for granted. This means even creating problems
to their partners just for them to part ways when they are bored
by the relationship.
In campus, many behaviors are observed.
Students have their own styles of showing
their own characters. With high number of students, many characters are depicted
either academically, socially or politically.
Diverse behaviors are present in such a population.
Such include games, dancing, modeling, studying, traveling, clubbing
etc. Every person getting into campus is considered a grown up and mature “upstairs”.
The behavior portrayed by each person depends on their perspective of doing things.
Its only in campus where all sort of behaviors are depicted.
The students are the same guys who make engineers, entrepreneurs, leaders, thieves etc.
This way of having all behaviors is expected in such institutions.
Making positive or negative trends are issues of one’s blame.
Since almost all students lie in the age bracket (18-25) great activities are expected as this is the period determining one’s life after campus. One is rapidly growing in all perspectives (mentally, socially, economically, spiritually etc.). Hence, issues such as relationships, gaming and enjoying life are very common. Various factors contribute to student’s behaviors; friends, financial status, community and also the notion about a course that one is pursuing just to name a few.
Coupling is the most common phenomena in campus. Its normal to see students walking in pairs around the campus compound. Everyone has the feeling of loving or being loved. Since its natural, students cannot be blamed for this. Coupling can be good to advance your knowledge and experience of being in love. However, if the purpose of coupling is not well defined, it can mislead and end up in a dark corner of your studies(life is all about enjoying yourself). Other negative impacts of coupling include; being in financial constraints as a result of waste of resources, quire behaviors e.g. theft to get money to sustain your status in campus etc. The fact is, there are a thousand of campus relationships present in our campus but only a few continue even after campus.
What is your view about campus relationships?

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