Thursday 8 August 2013

End of Semester Departmental meeting

The day started well with preparations for the prayers meeting. The turn-up was great with 90% of the department members present for the meeting. This has been the best prayer meeting ever held in the department. Prayer meetings are always held at the beginning of the semester and at the end of the semester. Praise songs were many and the crowd was very active in participating to sing. Encouragement speeches were also allowed. Encouragements this time were many and this was an indication of how the students are encouraged by the event. Speeches were many with Sam Kuraru (Vice chairperson-DeKUTSO) gracing the event with encouragements, funny speeches and informative notes to the students. It has been a long journey since the beginning of the semester. This involved the many practicals undertaken and series of lectures in the course both for the second and third year students. The unity showcased by the students is commendable and encouraged as we journey together for the course.
                Rather than prayers, issues concerning the department were also addressed. There was a thanking session to recognize the great contribution by some student in the department. Photo shooting period was also available.
fans pose for a photo shoot with the trophy

fans posing for a photo shoot with the trophy

These included Mathew (Sports Captain),Faith(Young Generation Initiative),Sam Kibui (GEGIS & GIS blog),Thomas Kubai(Football coach),Hannah(Christian Union),Sam Kuraru(Vice-Chairperson DeKUTSO),  Ronald Kibet for the moral support just to mention a few.

                From the sports sector, the sports captain for the department had a moment to represent a trophy for the Position three in the University Football Tournament. The trophy was presented to the Director Institute of Geomatics, GIS and Remote Sensing (IGGRS)The Director expressed his gratitude for the win by the department football team and for marketing the department in the sports arena. "Am really happy to hear that you are doing great even in the co-curricular activities aside the course work. I was not aware of some of the issues addressed today such as the sports, students coming up with great groups and other plans that are with you students. This is commendable so far and would like that you continue with your motives to achieve your best in your studies”, he said. The Director outlined the important issues to be noted by the students more so during these exam periods.
Generally, it was such a nice meeting as it also showed the paradigm shift in the way the department and students handle various logistics. It was comprehensive as it covered academics, sports, financial issues, social issues among other dimensions involved in students’ life. We hope and look forward to a successful examination period, and a nice productive holiday thereafter.


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