Tuesday 6 August 2013

University Football Tournament

          The University tournament took three months to complete. Each department in the campus was represented by their team in the football tournament. It all started small but kept on growing bigger and bigger with time. The GEGIS department was represented too in the tournament. The players worked hard to outdo the competitors with great support of the department members. Every time our group had a match with another department, the field was filled with great numbers of fans cheering up their squad. Our squad was well composed and ready for the big challenge. This was followed with a series of games and our squad emerging victorious. The tournament was structured in terms of group stages. GEGIS squad was able to beat their rivals in the group stages and proceeded on to the next level.

Fans posing for photos after a match

At quarter finals, the games were a bit tight but we made it through. As its well-known, as the completion ladder rises, competitions get heated up and extra work has to be done in order to succeed. After some time of practice, the squad reached the semifinals. Competition was tight. The teams played well and it all ended into a draw. The only way to separate the tie was through penalties.
Our squad lost at penalty level with an outcome of (3-4) in favor of the opponent. Our squad’s target of winning the big cup was short-lived. As usual the recognized tournament teams are mostly the teams in the first, second and third positions.

         Having lost at the semifinals the squad had to play the playoff to determine the team to stand at position three. The game was between the GEGIS team and the Food Science team. The GEGIS squad was able to scoop a win after the one twenty (120) minutes of play. The game results stood at 4-1 in favor of the GEGIS squad. The squad was awarded the position three trophy and gifts to the players. I being amongst the squad, I was glad for the hard task that we had accomplished though we never got to the finals. It was our first time to participate in the University’s Football Tournament and I feel we did marvelous job to get to the semifinals. Congratulations go to the GEGIS squad and also to the fans for their great support during our matches. Unity is all what we embraced and made us reach this far. Thank you all.

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